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Results: Goal #5 - Archive Spring Break Footage

·2 mins

This was an absolute failure. I opened up iPhoto once and tagged about one video. So now that I know that I failed, the question is why? Part of it is time management. I played a lot of Call of Duty: Black Ops with my roommate this week. That game is so addicting, but not as addicting as Castle Crashers which I purchased on Saturday. Consequentially, if anyone wants to play contact me via Twitter and I’ll give you my Xbox gamertag.

Another reason I feel like I failed is the software that I was using simply did not do what I wanted it to do. I’ve been tossing around a web app idea for a few days that I will briefly outline here:

  • Users upload small home video clips.

  • They are presented with a VERY simple UI that allows them to only split their video clips. This could be achieved server side using something similar to the Transcode utility suite.

  • They are then able to tag the event, location, and people in the clip, as well as a description of what is happening.

  • “Albums” are created based on the tags (such as event, location, or person) with a shareable link.

  • Each video has a flash video playback. This will probably be non-HD to save bandwidth costs.

  • People can then download the original clips to be used in edits of their own.

This idea roughly came to me this winter when I friend I ski with asked for my footage so he could make an edit. I would really like to implement it, but who knows if I will get around to it.