Update iDRAC6 on Macos
·1 min
Download the firmware #
Visit the support page related to your Dell product. For example, this is the r510 support page. Navigate to the ESM category, and download .BIN
firmware. This is the 2.91 link.
Extract using Docker #
to the directory that you downloaded the firmware to.
Using docker, we are going to mount the volume so that it can be extracted.
$ docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/data centos:7 /bin/sh
Inside docker:
sh-4.2# cd data/
sh-4.2# yum install which
sh-4.2# sh ESM_Firmware_MXKG2_LN32_2.91_A00.BIN --extract ./291
On the iDrac Web GUI, upload ./291/payload/firmimg.d6